Category Archives: Videos

Autumn is Right EPISODE #1

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(Creators Note: As of 07-19-12 the original video has been set to private because of a group of people couldn’t stand that this young lady was being vocal about a local suicide in near the small town this was captured in.  She didn’t know I was  filming & I enjoyed her candid comments on everything about a life.  Even her strong beliefs on suicide.  If you don’t like that then you then quietly don’t like it. Any harassment toward the individual in the video will be considered CYBER BULLYING & be reported to the FBI as a federal complaint against you!)

I shot this video on the fly of Autumn speaking candidly about life.  To my surprise is came across so warm, energetic, & passionate that I had to post it for the world to see.  Though only being a teenager she’s very intelligent & speaks like she always on a soapbox with a microphone.  If that isn’t impressive enough she started honors classes as soon as she was a freshman in high school & maintains a grade point average anywhere between 3.75 & 4.0.  I think that’s  only because she doesn’t have to apply herself as much as others but then again I said I’d probably be working for her soon than later.  Think this video may be proof of that.

Neil Giaman absolutely brilliant!

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He’s said exactly how I’ve felt about getting in to media.  Yeah, I get a lot of professionals that hound me because I jumped into do it & take very little to no money for what I do.  Why?  Because it’s not important & I love what every limited talent I bring to to the table.  “Make good art!”

Also, he points out he didn’t go in to college because he found it “stifling”.  Every time even think of attempting to go back to attempt any of the hassle I find it “stifling”!

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Shoot the Schmitt episode #1

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There is a reason she’s on my blog roll.  I’ve picked up a lot of what I do from her even though as I continually point out to many in out in the world I’ve had yet to turn the corner on making a single penny. Yet, she be making a buck from it while I find her ridiculously entertaining like iJustine.

Here is the post on her site: 

dawn del russo

On my first episode, Dawn Del Russo has kindly agreed to Shoot the Schmitt with me. Dawn is a Fashion and Lifestyle Expert rocking out social media for her business. We originally met through YouTube as she has posted more than 600 videoson her channel with tips, tricks, and great products to check out.

She’s not only an online rockstar blogging at My Intimate Affair with Fashion. She’s also the published author of 101 Glam Girl Ways to an Ultra Chic Lifestyle: A Cheeky Book with Tidbits of Advice for a Glamorous Lifestyle (aff.) and an On-Air Personality sharing fashion and style tips on many different television stations (including The Weather Channel with Al Roker which we talk about at the beginning of the episode).


The Saint Albans Lady Red Dragon 2012 Highlight Video

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This was shown on March 22, 2012 at the Saint Albans High School Lady Red Dragons awards banquet dinner as a part of the overall presentation.

Category: Videos

One Final Farewell

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One Final Farewell

For ten years “Awesome” Allen Lynch has kept XMCW going with hard work & tireless efforts. He’s moving to Florida & has to give it up. These are the final moments he spent with everyone he’s entertained for years.

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